grossed over $300 million at the box office. Joe" anymore, and I don't know if this film is going to help, because it's unnecessary, it's mediocre and it. Of course, then again, no one keeps up with "G.I. This is a little too dumb, and you need only to look at the title to realize that, not just because, well, it bears the name of something that belongs to Hasbro (Again, I may like the "Transformers" films, but this is by no means that first dumb thing that Hasbro has recently put out), but because no one uses the subtitle "The Rise of." anymore. Joe" that stars Channing Tatum and Marlon Wayans, and is directed by the same guy who did the "Mummy" films, so there are probably a couple of things that people can call this film, with only so many being appropriate for the kids who have the attention span to consider this bloated onslaught of overtly explosive, half-baked stupidity at all good.So yeah, hyperbolic complaints aside, this film could be worse, but I don't like it, and I'm that jerk who likes the "Transformers" films are alright. Shoot, this is a film adaptation of "G.I. Actually, this is probably more like "Team America 2: Back in Live-Action", and, yes, I know that already made that joke, but it's just too right to not address. Jose: A Real Mexican Hero", and you know what, this film doesn't exactly help, because they're blowing stuff up here like the cartel or something. I don't really keep up with "Family Guy" these days, but never again shall I look at this franchise and not think about "G.I.